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車漆保護膜 (Paint Protection Film)



使用不適當的打蠟產品可能造成保護膜變質,為了避免這些風險,我們建議使用 XPEL 專用封膜劑 (XPEL Flawless Finish Paint Protection Film Sealant)。XPEL 專用封膜劑是專為保護膜研發出的產品,可以提升保護膜的抗汙性及亮度。

使用一般蠟會產生光澤效應,失去消光效果,這絕對不是您所樂見的,故請避免使用含研磨成分的清潔或打蠟產品。若為保持消光膜表面質感,我們建議使用 XPEL 專用封膜劑,並由 XPEL 授權經銷商技師透過專業的技法為您保養您的愛車。XPEL 專用封膜劑是專為保護膜研發出的產品,可提升表面質感及抗汙性。


除非將保護膜長時間浸泡在清潔溶液中,不然一般說來清潔用品並不會損壞保護膜。若需要使用丙烯酸類清潔劑清理保護膜表面難以去除的污漬,請以清潔劑沾濕細纖維布來回擦拭 1  – 2 分鐘,若仍無法去除污漬,請先讓清潔劑揮發再重複上述步驟。

可以的。在安裝 XPEL 車漆保護膜的車上使用清潔黏土與在一般漆面上使用方式相同:將保護膜表面用泡泡水噴濕,以汽車美容黏土輕輕地在保護膜上來回滑動,以清除表面髒污及附著物。如果遇到難以清除的污漬如鳥糞、水漬,可用美容黏土搭配 Simple Green 汽車清潔劑一起使用。

XPEL 車漆保護膜專用清潔劑是為了深層清潔而研發出的產品。 若欲清除如蟲屍、鳥糞或其他頑強的污染物,可使用含丙酮的清潔劑搭配細纖維布重複擦拭,再用清水沖洗乾淨。

可以的。XPEL 車漆保護膜能夠安裝在任何平滑的漆面表面上。

若有任何安裝部位的適用性問題,歡迎洽詢 XPEL 全台授權經銷商

沒問題,XPEL 車漆保護膜能夠安裝在任何的光滑表面。

為了避免專用安裝液影響電子設備的功能,請務必洽詢並交由 XPEL 授權經銷商進行安裝。

可以的。車漆保護膜也能夠保護昂貴的頭燈與霧燈。但少數車款的頭燈具有特殊塗層,拆除保護膜時可能造成塗層損傷,請向 XPEL 授權經銷商洽詢。

XPEL 車漆保護膜可以安裝在鍍鉻、鋁或髮絲紋表面上。若想將車漆保護膜施工在鍍鉻、鋁、髮絲紋飾板或飾條上,需考量到貼覆後可能會與飾板或飾條原本的光澤度及表面效果看起來稍有不同。您可要求經銷商施工人員安裝一小塊在想保護的區域,了解一下安裝後看起來的樣子再做決定。


只要是光滑的表面都能夠貼覆 XPEL 車漆保護膜,如鏡面烤漆、冰箱、廚房流理台、大理石等,可保護家具及心愛的物品不被劃傷或刮傷。




XPEL 採全台統一報價,全台授權經銷商均使用一致的報價系統,根據車型車款及選用的車漆保護膜產品,訂定最終價格,同時因各車輛使用狀況不同,須視車漆表面實際狀況而估算是否酌收額外處理費用。

建議您前往就近的授權經銷商洽詢及體驗,進一步了解 XPEL 的產品功能、價值、服務、權益及相關注意事項。

XPEL 是源自美國的頂級車漆保護膜品牌,各項保護膜產品在美國生產製造,並在全球超過 85 個國家擁有專業優質的授權經銷商網路。

XPEL 以更安全的方式以及思維去保護客戶的愛車,透過 DAP 電腦版型裁切系統,能大幅降低在車身烤漆或是鈑件使用刀具的風險性,避免拆卸汽車零配件並在車漆上動刀切割的顧慮。

XPEL DAP 內建超過 10 萬筆汽車版型資料,同時 XPEL 與許多國際知名大廠的合作關係,能夠讓版型資料隨時更新。想了解更多關於 DAP 電腦版型裁切系統,請點此

XPEL 車漆保護膜主要功能是保護車漆在日常環境中免於跳石擊傷及各種汙染物腐蝕損傷,因保護膜材質特性,使得安裝貼膜上有其限制,施工人員力求貼覆完整保護車漆,而非 100% 完全包覆車輛毫無間隙。

XPEL 於 2011 年領先市場首先推出具有刮痕自體修復功能的車漆保護膜。當保護膜表面產生刮痕,只要透過透過陽光或使用熱水、熱能,膜面刮痕在短時間內就能消失不見,表面立即恢復光滑平整。

XPEL 車漆保護膜的自體修復層是為了修復洗車打蠟的螺旋紋或一些輕微刮傷而設計。若行車時遇到跳石或是碎片撞擊且穿透了自體修復塗層,自體修復功能將失效,但車漆防護的功能不受影響。

保護膜當中的透明的自我修復層,厚度約為 13 微米,若刮傷的深度超過 13 微米,自體修復功能將失效,但車漆防護的功能不受影響。

XPEL 車漆保護膜是車漆保護膜業界的第一品牌,擁有最佳的防護力,可為您的車漆提供最大限度的保護。但任何產品都有其極限,如遇重大事故、人為疏失或蓄意破壞,仍可能對車漆造成損傷。

若保護膜受損過重或刮痕無法自動修復,您可至 XPEL 授權經銷商更換受損的部件,不需刨除原漆重新鈑噴,節省您的時間及預算。若您對 XPEL 車漆保護膜的特性有任何疑問,歡迎洽詢 XPEL 全台授權經銷商或親臨體驗。

XPEL 車漆保護膜擁有業界最強大的防護效果,但若超出防護之極限,車漆仍有受損的可能。

依據不同的防護力需求等級,XPEL 推出了多種車漆保護膜產品提供給顧客選擇:

  • MPD – 極致防護:XPEL 透明車漆保護膜系列中防護力最頂尖之產品。保護膜的厚度較最暢銷的 LUX PLUS 增加達 30%。
  • LUX MAX 加強防護 : 以 LUX PLUS 為基礎,提升約 17.6% 保護膜厚度達到增加強防護力的目的。
  • LUX PLUS – 安心防護 : 專為亞洲多變的氣候及用車環境而設計,表層抗汙性絕佳、具高度抗腐蝕性,為您的愛車提供安心防護,是台灣地區最受歡迎、詢問度最高的產品。XPEL 的各項車漆保護膜產品線均以 LUX PLUS 為基礎,依據車主不同需求進行提升調整。
  • LUX MATTE – 安心防護另一選擇:與 LUX PLUS 具有相同厚度,不同的是 LUX MATTE 表面為消光、霧面效果,讓車輛外觀呈現高級綢緞質感,同樣具有 XPEL 首創的刮痕自動修復功能及強大的抗污性、耐腐蝕性。
  • LUX PLUS BLACK – 安心防護與個性化外觀兼具 : 與 XPEL 其他透明保護膜產品最大的不同就是擁有純粹深沉的高光澤亮黑表面,但一樣擁有刮痕自體修復功能、強大抗汙力。不但沒有一般改色膜常見的皺褶或橘皮,幾乎毫無瑕疵的鏡面光澤度也是改色膜無法比擬的,滿足愛車人士追求個性化、想要與眾不同的需求。
  • ARES – 基礎防護 : ARES 同樣擁有刮痕自體修復功能、強大抗汙力,有效防護車漆防止日常環境所帶來傷害。ARES 是兼顧防護及經濟性的絕佳選擇。

想了解更多關於 XPEL 各種車漆保護膜產品資訊,歡迎至車漆保護膜產品專區查閱。

LUX PLUS BLACK 高光亮黑車漆保護膜具有一般改色膜沒有的刮痕自體修復功能,較厚的保護膜材質可抵擋跳石與輕微刮蹭的對車漆的傷害,並擁有絕佳的耐用性。此外,XPEL 運用高端的色彩技術及獨家高亮度表面塗層科技,使得 LUX PLUS BLACK 具備如原漆般深沉而純粹的高光澤純黑表面,毫無一般改色膜常見的皺摺或橘皮。


若要在車漆保護膜上加貼彩繪,建議於保護膜安裝完畢 48 小時後再行貼上彩繪。


XPEL 車漆保護膜讓原漆受損是非常罕見的。現代車輛的噴漆過程中,鈑件與噴漆的黏合度約為 16 MPa 至 25 MPa 之間,而 XPEL  車漆保護膜安裝後的黏合度低於 0.08 MPa,即便經過多年陽光照射及高溫環境,車漆保護膜與烤漆的黏合度也僅增加到 0.17 MPa,意即在最極端的環境下,烤漆與鈑件的黏合度是烤漆與保護膜的 94 倍,而最佳的環境狀況下是 332 倍。

雖然如此,仍請務必透過 XPEL 授權經銷商專業技師,依照 XPEL 的標準程序來拆除保護膜,將風險降至最低。

建議前往 XPEL 授權經銷商,由專業技師依照 XPEL 的標準程序來拆除保護膜,避免潛藏之風險。

施工後只需一般洗車即可,建議每週洗車一次,禁止在貼膜部位上打蠟、鍍膜,或使用任何非 XPEL 專屬養護用品。洗車後請務必將車輛表面確實擦乾,以免殘留水漬,水漬並不在保固範圍內。如遇樹汁、鳥糞、昆蟲屍體導致膜面髒污,建議在 3 天內清洗乾淨,以免造成膜面染色或使保護膜性能受損。

為使車漆保護膜保持最佳狀態,請務必定期回 XPEL 授權經銷商進行標準專業養護。養護週期為每 3 至 6 個月一次,白色或淺色車輛請每 3 個月進行一次,由授權經銷商依據標準流程使用 XPEL 專屬清潔養護產品進行保養,讓保護膜維持最佳效能及美觀效果,並保障您的保固權益。


XPEL 為保護膜特別研發出專用的深層清潔劑及專用保養劑,定期保養能讓保護膜維持光澤度及抗污性至最佳效能,並保障您的保固權益。

請於施工後每 3 至 6 個月 ( 白色及淺色車輛每 3 個月一次 ) 至授權經銷商進行專業深層清潔保養。授權經銷商依據標準流程,從洗車到使用專用清潔劑深層清潔車漆保護膜上的污垢,最後使用 XPEL 保護膜封膜劑提升抗污能力,賦予保護膜如汽蠟的功效,甚至比一般打蠟或拋光產品效果更佳,使保護膜亮麗如新、維持強大的防護力。

XPEL 為保護膜特別研發出專用的深層清潔劑及專用保養劑,定期保養能讓保護膜維持光澤度及最佳效能。原負責安裝的授權經銷商更加了解您的車況及安裝細節,建議您優先選擇原安裝保護膜的授權經銷商進行清潔保養。

目前 XPEL 全台有 23 家正式授權經銷商,您可點擊下方連結查詢經銷商資訊及聯絡方式。XPEL 全台授權經銷商

您也可於 XPEL TAIWAN 臉書粉絲團LINE 官方帳號留言諮詢、確認您所找到的店家是否為 XPEL 授權經銷商。

XPEL 授權經銷商的安裝人員都需受過完整的 XPEL 標準施工流程及技術培訓,並於每年進行技術檢定認證,以確保為客戶提供穩定高品質的安裝及售後服務。

請注意!XPEL TAIWAN 僅對全台授權經銷商所販售、安裝的產品提供保固服務及承諾,若非 XPEL TAIWAN 所進口、銷售、或來源不明的產品,XPEL TAIWAN 將不提供保固服務。請向 XPEL 授權經銷商銷諮詢及購買 XPEL 產品,以獲得最佳的產品及服務品質、保障自身權益。

XPEL 提供十年不黃化、不開裂、不起泡、不翹邊的保固。


XPEL 車漆保護膜產品在符合定期保養之規範下,均提供原廠 10 年保固,是 XPEL 對產品質最大的信心與保證,也是對每一位選擇 XPEL 車漆保護膜的車主最有力的承諾。保固範圍包含不翹邊、不龜裂、不起泡、不黃化。

目前 XPEL 車漆保護膜提供的保固涵蓋對象同時包含車主及車輛,車輛一旦過戶即喪失保固。


所有 XPEL 授權經銷商都必須通過嚴格的培訓及定期的技術檢定,以期為客戶提供最佳的施工品質。購買前請與安裝的 XPEL 授權經銷商討論及確認施工部位及相關細節,若授權經銷商無法達到您合理的期望,請與 XPEL TAIWAN 客服聯繫,我們將盡全力為您尋找最佳的解決方案。XPEL TAIWAN 客服專線 : 03-931-3531

Our ULTIMATE PLUSTM and STEALTHTM films are warrantied for 10 years. This warranty covers: yellowing, staining, delaminating, cracking, peeling, bubbling, and more. More information on the warranty can be found on our Warranty Information page

No special maintenance is required for ULTIMATE PLUSTM. However, the film will last longer and will be easier to clean if treated twice a year with XPEL Flawless Finish Paint Protection Film Sealant.

Any of our films can be installed on Chrome, though the finish will look slightly different than if left unprotected. We recommend having your installer apply a small swatch to the desired surface so you can see what it looks like before deciding.

Yes, we have a gloss black paint protection film. You can read more about it here, ULTIMATE PLUSTM BLACK.

Yes, search for our pre-cut kits, or call our customer support team at 1-210-678-3700. However, as installation can be quite difficult without previous experience or formal training, we recommend having installation performed by one of our Factory Trained Installers. To find an installer nearest you please visit our Installer Locator to find an installer near you.

Yes, TRACWRAPTM can be applied to vinyl.

Because the product is installed by independent installers, cost varies greatly based on location, labor rates, and installer experience. To get an estimate from a local installer nearest you, please visit:  Installer Locator

Yes. Any smooth painted surface can be covered with paint protection film.

Paint protection film can be applied on any smooth painted surface. However, given the tight tolerances on weight, balance and other factors on some aircraft, it is highly recommended to consult with the manufacturer of the airplane for strict guidance.

Yes, while XPEL can be installed on marine boats and watercraft, please review the warranty for applicable surfaces.
It depends on the coating. Some may deepen the finish while others may add unwanted gloss. We recommend testing the coating on a swatch of unused film or in an inconspicuous area before coating a protected panel. We recommend using FUSION PLUSTM Ceramic Coating, our ceramic coating was designed with paint and XPEL Paint protection film in mind.
We recommend using the XPEL Rinse Free Car Wash, combined with the XPEL Detail Spray and Ceramic Boost for increased cleanliness and slickness

Yes, most factory paint is fully cured before the car ever leaves the assembly line.

While the edge of the film can be seen from certain angles, people generally do not notice it unless they are looking for it. However, if the car is dirty and dust and dirt can collect along the edge of the film, it will be more noticeable. Once the car is cleaned, it will be once again difficult to detect unless looking for it.
If there is left over adhesive upon removal, you can use a general purpose adhesive remover, often found at your local auto parts or home improvement store.
No, the film once applied and removed cannot be reused.
Any of our paint protection films can be installed on aluminum or brushed metal, though they may change the appearance to some degree depending on the film you choose. We recommend having your installer apply a small swatch of the film to the surface in question to determine the appearance prior to full installation.
We recommend using our XPEL Flawless Finish Paint Protection Film Sealant. This product has been specially formulated for use with polyurethane paint protection films to provide the maximum protection and gloss, while containing no ingredients that would cause discoloration over time. We also recommend XPEL Detail Spray and/or Ceramic Boost for added slickness and ease of cleaning.
Waxes, sealants and protectants are typically designed to reduce the surface energy of the paint, making them easier to clean etc. A reduction in surface energy will reduce the film’s ability to adhere to the paint and could cause long term adhesion issues. Because of this, we generally recommend removing these types of products before installation. If these types of coatings are to be used, we recommend applying them AFTER installation of our paint protection film.

Yes, Coatings can be applied to the films. Adding a coating does not stop the film from self-healing. Coatings can add a protective layer over the film, which depending on the coating can provide different properties (Please contact your installer or coating company for more information). That additional coating layer, depending on the coating applied, may or may not self-heal. Once the coating wears down and deteriorates, the self-healing qualities of ULTIMATE PLUSTM and STEALTHTM will remain. We recommend FUSION PLUSTM Ceramic Coating. Our ceramic was specifically formulated for your vehicles paint and XPEL Paint protection film.

Please see the diagram on www.xpel.com/care and be sure to use a steamer or heat gun to soften and warm the adhesive. This will yield the best possible results and will leave little if any adhesive behind. Any traces of residue left behind can be removed with any commercially available adhesive remover that is safe for automotive paint.

We offer pre-cut rocker panel coverage for most trucks and SUVs that can be professionally installed by our independent dealer network. Visit our Installer Locator for an installer near you for a quote.

We also make a rocker panel DIY kit to help protect your rocker panels. This product is available in our ULTIMATE PLUSTM film or our ARMORTM film. ULTIMATE PLUSTM is our clear self-healing paint protection film, while ARMORTM is a rugged film that is black and has texture similar to a spray in bed liner.

Yes, assuming you and the installer are both comfortable with the risk, there is nothing about the film that would prevent this from being done. We also have designs for most body panels on nearly every vehicle, which would allow installation without dismantling the vehicle.

This is a very common occurrence with Paint Protection Film of all brands. It has to do with the difference in refractive index between the layer of film and the paint on the car. It is most noticeable on compound-curved surfaces because the film must be stretched over these areas to allow it to be installed without wrinkles. When the film is stretched, it becomes slightly thinner in those areas which causes the phenomenon seen through polarized glasses.

It can also occur on flat surfaces when the installer needs to use a drying solution (as opposed to a slip solution) such as alcohol and water to get the needed bond to the paint. This is due to the difference in viscosity of the fluids and their effect on the adhesive’s properties.

Polarized glasses have this effect on several different multi-layer surfaces (not just paint protection film) made of glass or plastic.

Headlight Protection Film

Yes. XPEL can be installed on your cars headlamps and fog lamps
When using the wet application technique, this is normal. The fog is the result of the alcohol/water solution evaporating from beneath the plastic. The water vapor that is produced results in a hazy appearance for several days. The haze will clear as the vapor dissipates.
We have found that the wet installation yields the best-looking installation with the least amount of difficulty in most cases. On larger headlamp pieces, bubbles and improper alignment of the material are far less likely using the wet installation method. However, on smaller pieces, such as fog lamps, the dry installation method is sometimes easier. This is especially the case if the lamp is spherical in shape.
It is imperative that a hairdryer or heat gun is used in this area to seal the edges. The heat serves two purposes. First, it helps evaporate the remaining alcohol/water solution from under the edges, and second it makes the plastic more pliable so that it can contour to the shape of the light. Be careful if you are using a heat gun to warm the plastic. It takes only a small amount of heat to apply the material. If you apply too much heat you can damage the surface of the plastic.
The removal process is just a matter of warming the plastic and peeling them off. They will require some muscle to get them off, but they normally peel off without any residue left on the lens. If any adhesive at all remains behind, it may be removed by simply rubbing it with your thumb. The adhesive will then ball up and roll off.

汽車安全隔熱紙 (Automotive Window film)

XPEL 汽車隔熱紙全產品包括 X5 PLUS, X2 PLUS, X BLACK, AP 系列,均提供可隨車轉移的終生保固。保固內容包含裂開、翹邊、起泡、分層、褪色或變色都可申請保固更換。車輛售出或過戶後,只要持有 XPEL 保固書或能在 XPEL 保固系統內查到車輛資料,都可申請保固。

隔熱紙在炎熱的台灣是汽車必備的產品,功能及效益包括 : 隔絕熱源有效降溫、節省油耗,阻隔紫外線、降低對皮膚的傷害並避免車輛內裝變質和老化,保護眼睛、減少眩光帶來的不適感,還可保護隱私及車內乘客安全等。


太陽直射車內可能對布椅、紡織物、皮革、儀錶板和其他內裝表面造成危害,陽光中的紫外線是內裝褪色和變質的主要原因, XPEL 隔熱紙能阻擋高達 99% 以上的破壞性紫外線,包含對人體危害最大的 UVA 以及 UVB,保護駕駛與乘客、降低皮膚老化及致癌的風險,同時能保護車輛內裝免於褪色和變質。

透光度代表的是可見光的穿透率,透光度數字越低,隔熱紙的顏色越暗。過去透光度越低的隔熱紙隔熱效果越好,但拜今日科技所賜,XPEL 的隔熱紙即使有高透光度,也能具備極佳的熱阻隔率。


隔熱紙剛貼好時,因為隔熱紙與汽車玻璃之間還有些微水氣,小水泡屬正常現象。若有水泡的狀況,請不要用手去擠壓,隔熱紙有毛細孔,數日或數週後 (視車輛所在的天候環境而定) 水氣蒸發,水泡就會消失。

隔熱紙安裝完成後,請等待一週後再進行清潔車內玻璃。可使用 XPEL 防靜電的專用清潔劑搭配細纖維布。請勿使用任何型態的刀片或是研磨劑清潔車窗內側,以免刮傷或是劃傷隔熱紙。

XPEL 隔熱紙優異的品質與紫外線阻隔效能深獲肯定,同時是美國皮膚癌基金會 (Skin Cancer Foundation) 推薦認證的產品。

We recommend that you leave your vehicle windows rolled up for at least 24-36 hours after window film has been installed. This allows the film to cure and adhere to the glass before the window is moved
Our window film is designed with a very strong adhesive for durability, upon removal of the window film the adhesive will not fully transfer to the film and will remain on the glass.
We do not recommend installing PRIMETM Window Tint to Plexiglass or plastic windows.
No. Window film is installed on the inside of the glass. This allows for maximum durability

RXTM 抑菌保護膜 (Antimicrobial Film)

在有濕度的環境下,RX 抑菌保護膜的抑菌添加劑會逐漸釋放鋅離子。由於鋅離子具有與微生物細胞酶牢固結合的能力,同時能抑制細胞壁、細胞膜和核酸中的酶活性,加上細菌類微生物皆帶有負電荷,和帶正電荷的銀離子相互吸引後結合,將會干擾細菌或是微生物的電平衡,如此一來導致細菌等微生物的細胞壁破裂,進而達到摧毀殺死微生物的目的,這就是 RX 鋅離子長效抑菌保護膜的作用機制。

是的,XPEL 提供 RX 長效抑菌保護膜亮面及消光兩種不同質感效果表現的選擇,但皆有著同樣的防護力,讓您的器材設備或心愛物品擁有強大的抗衝擊性及防刮性。

RX 抑菌保護膜能夠應用在各式光滑平整的表面,例如玻璃、手機及平板電腦、顯示螢幕、觸控螢幕、烤漆面、各式檯面或平台等,當然包括汽車內飾。

除了車內飾板,RX 長效抑菌保護膜亦適用於各種螢幕、各式檯面或平面、平滑的器材設備表面上,RX 抑菌保護膜的應用與延伸可說是有著無限的可能性;除了使用在個人物品上外,也適用各種商業場域,包括但不限醫療院所、緊急醫療站、食品工業、餐飲場所、住商大樓等場所。

可以的。只要是光滑平整的表面,都可使用 RX 長效抑菌保護膜,不限室內或是室外;但應用於戶外時,請避免太陽直射的環境。

清潔 RX 抑菌保護膜時,可以搭配各式清潔劑,如酒精、漂白水、消毒水等來進行清潔,但請避免使用含過氧化氫 (Hydrogen Peroxide,H2O2) 成分的清潔劑。

可使用 ATP 試劑或檢測儀,檢測物體表面的微生物活性。

RX 抑菌保護膜的拆除方式與  XPEL 車漆保護膜類似,但安裝在不同表面材質時,移除需多加注意,建議您前往 XPEL 授權經銷商進行拆除。

RX 長效抑菌保護膜保固內容包括不龜裂、不翹邊、不起泡、不發黃、保固期限內抑菌效果不衰退。根據不同用途及使用場景而有不同的保固時效 : 一般家庭及個人用途,保固時效為 5 年;公共場所或商業用途之保固時效為 2 年。

RX 抑菌保護膜通過國際認證檢驗單位 INTERTEK 檢測驗證,證實對包含大腸桿菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、李斯特菌、耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌 (超級細菌)、克雷伯氏肺炎菌、綠膿桿菌、腸道沙門氏菌、抗萬古黴素腸球菌等重大威脅,有高達 99.99% 的抑菌效果。

Yes, we recommend using XPEL Installation Gel for the application of the RXTM.
Due to the various surfaces this can be applied to, we recommend the least aggressive cleaning method to ensure no damage to the surface.
The time can vary depending on the surface that RXTM was applied to and climate conditions. Please allow for surface to be fully cured before use.
If installing on a non-electronic surface, you can use isopropyl alcohol to remove any excess installation fluid and to squeegee the edges, to ensure they are locked down.

We recommend the Hygiena SystemSure Plus ATP Monitoring System, accompanied with Hygiena UltraSnap Surface ATP Test Device Swabs. Both can be found online via Amazon and Hygiena.

ATP is short for adenosine triphosphate and it is an organic molecule that is used by living cells as their main source of energy. Animal, plant bacterial, yeast and mold cell products and break down ATP in order to drive several biological processes, and the main energy transfer molecule in the cell. The presence of ATP on a surface indicates that the surface has not been adequately cleaned and has the potential to harbor and support bacterial growth. The residue may also contain hazardous material including protentional allergens. Therefore, ATP is an ideal indicator of surface cleanliness.

RXTM has not been FAA approved, we cannot endorse application on aviation equipment at this time.
Light surface scratches will self-heal when external heat is applied.


FUSION PLUSTM uses Silicon Dioxide technology. It’s a complex chemical matrix that is unique to us. A combination of several technologies that cross-link very strongly to form a strong 9H coating.
Ease of maintenance, hydrophobic properties, and self-cleaning properties.
FUSION PLUSTM is backed by a 4-year warranty. We do recommend using our XPEL Ceramic Boost spray to help protect the finish and enhance the hydrophobic properties.
Yes, FUSION PLUSTM is a 9H ceramic coating that is scratch resistant.
Full cure takes approximately 3 days – full cure should be reached before washing the vehicle (time may need to extend depending on conditions).
Yes, FUSION PLUSTM MARINE is designed to help protection your watercrafts surface
No, we currently do not offer an aircraft ceramic coating
No, the warranty covers as follows: FUSION PLUSTM will help protect your vehicle’s paint finish against oxidation, loss of gloss, UV damage, Bug impacts, color fading, acid rain and paint chalking.
The first thing to know is that the two products are not comparable and thus not a true comparison to one another. Paint protection film provides a urethane layer of protection against rock chips and scratches. Ceramic coatings, even when cured, are microns thick and not engineered to stop rock chips. That said, it is an excellent product for protection against environmental contaminates such as bird droppings, bug guts, and more. Not to mention that it makes cleaning off track rubber much easier. To further answer the question – ceramic coatings are for customers who want some basic protection along with increased shine, gloss, depth of color, and great hydrophobic and self-cleaning properties. PPF are for the customers who want actual protection against rock chips and scratches.
How Does A Ceramic Coating Alter The Paint Surface? The coating links with the painted surface creating a new functional layer. By creating an inseparable bond on a molecular level with the vehicles paintwork you get a coating that cannot be washed off like a wax or sealant
The coating links with the painted surface creating a new functional layer. By creating an inseparable bond on a molecular level with the vehicles paintwork you get a coating that cannot be washed off like a wax or sealant.
If your vehicle is protected with FUSION PLUSTM, it is highly recommended you use an approved car wash solution, such as XPEL Rinse Free Car Wash, which is formulated to help encapsulate the dirt and help keep your surface protected and scratch free. XPEL Rinse Free Car Wash has been tested and works great with FUSION PLUSTM Ceramic Coating. Once you finish washing your vehicle, we recommend using XPEL Ceramic Boost spray, for an extra slick, hydrophobic surface. We also have XPEL Detail Spray for quick wipe downs in between washings.
You can apply FUSION PLUSTM to the STEALTHTM film. It will not make the surface glossy, it will enhance the depth of the matte finish.
9H hardness is a rating based on the Pencil Hardness Test, commonly used by manufacturers of clear and pigmented surface coatings. The Pencil Hardness test is used to determine the scratch resistance of a coating surface by using pencils to scratch the surface and rate the scratch resistance in relation to that pencils hardness and other materials of similar hardness.
XPEL FUSION PLUSTM is approved to be installed on your vehicles paint and vehicles XPEL paint protection film.
No, we do not offer a self-healing coating currently. We do have our paint protection films that feature self-healing features.
FUSION PLUSTM GLASS is not a windshield protection film; it does not prevent stone chips. It helps make the glass surface more hydrophobic.
We would recommend using XPEL Anti-Static Window Cleaner.
Yes, PLASTIC & TRIM helps prevent fading due to UV rays. It also enhances and rejuvenates the plastic and trim surface.
Yes, this product is designed for the high heat temperature for your vehicles wheel and caliper surfaces
No, factory interiors should not discolor, our product allows the material to breathe, retaining its natural feel and retaining its original look.
FUSION PLUSTM UPHOLSTERY helps prevent interior surfaces from stains and spills.
FUSION PLUSTM UPHOLSTERY helps protect your interior surfaces, (fabric, carpet, leather, and vinyl) from spills and stains. It is not a waterproofing coating.
Yes, UPHOLSTERY, can be used on carpets. All interior must be professionally cleaned before applying UPHOLSTERY. Avoid Alcantara and Suede surfaces.
FUSION PLUSTM MARINE will help prevent unsightly damage associated with UV Ray aging and fading colors.
Yes, FUSION PLUSTM MARINE works on paint and gelcoat surfaces for the watercraft industry.
Yes, you can use FUSION PLUSTM MARINE on your boat trailer to help protect it when launching your watercraft.

VISIONTM Window Film

For the film to completely dry out, the weather conditions (cold vs. warm, non-sunny vs. sunny) will affect the total time. There may be small water beads and a slightly cloudy look till the film completely dries out. We advise to not clean the film for 30 days after installation to be safe.
Window film creates a more comfortable environment through consistent climate control by eliminating “cold wall” and “hot wall” problems. Rooms stay more comfortable in the summer and winter, be reducing “hot spots”, no matter where the sun is shining.
Yes. The same sun that brightens a room’s interior can be detrimental to fabrics, furnishings, artwork, and rugs. Ultraviolet rays are the main cause of both fade and deterioration. Window films can screen out 99% of the damaging UV rays that can fade richly colored furniture, tapestries, and artwork. Heat and light also play a part in fading but using window film to block nearly 100% of UV rays will increase the life of your personal property for years.
After window film installation, wait until the film is cured before cleaning the inside of the window where the film was installed. After a week, use XPEL Anti-Static Window Film Cleaner with a soft microfiber cloth. Never scrape the film with any type of blade or clean your tinted windows with anything abrasive, as it will scratch the film.
Film percentages stand for visual light transmission (VLT), or the amount of light that is allowed through the film. The lower the percentage, the darker the film. With modern advances in window film, you can have great heat rejection with lighter films, no need to have dark window tint to receive the heat rejection benefits.
The many benefits of window film include IR heat reduction, eye comfort, UV protection, aesthetics, and increased safety, privacy, and energy savings.
Our window film is designed to with a very strong adhesive for durability, upon removal of the window film the adhesive may not fully transfer to the film and will remain on the glass. Your installer will be able to remove this during the installation process.
We offer films that will give you daytime privacy, but current window film products do not offer nighttime privacy if the lights are on in your interior space. You do have the option to use a decorative window film, such as our white frost to achieve nighttime privacy, although you will not be able to see in or out during the day and night
Yes, we do! Please check out the links in the header above for our VISIONTM Security Line
Yes, we offer security film for all applicable windows. Check with your local installer to see what available options there are for your home and/or office
After window film installation, wait for the film to fully cure before cleaning the inside of the window where the film was installed. After a week, use XPEL Anti-Static Window Film Cleaner with a soft microfiber cloth. Never scrape the film with any type of blade or clean your windows with anything abrasive, as it can scratch the film
Anti-graffiti film protects your glass from vandalism and etching. If your anti-graffiti film does get damaged, we can easily remove and replace with little to no damage to your glass. Replacing anti-graffiti film is a fraction of the cost to replace glass

Yes, we offer anti-graffiti window film for your home and or office.

Yes, we offer decorative window film for your home and or office.
Yes, our decorative films can be installed in your bathroom. Our White Frost film is a popular window film for shower doors or windows for a custom look and privacy.
No, the decorative film is opaque and does not offer visibility when looking through the film.
No, if installed properly, your installation team will bring the necessary materials and tools to prevent mess in your space.


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