
XPEL 產品養護須知


若您無法確認您所購買的 XPEL 產品與養護資訊,請向購買及安裝的授權經銷商查詢與確認。



1.  由於膠層完全黏合需要時間,剛施工完畢禁止使用高壓水槍洗車,安裝完畢 48 小時內不要進行任何洗車,如需清潔膜面,可使用軟布濕擦。

2.  安裝初期,部分膜面有些霧感為正常現象,此因車漆保護膜膠層較厚,黏膠水分尚未乾透而產生,正常於 10 天左右 (視天氣溫度及濕度而定) 膜層霧感即會消失,膜面將散發油亮光澤效果。 

3.  洗車時,請避免使用高壓水槍沖洗鈑件邊緣或用力刷洗,這可能導致脫落或邊緣翹起,亦可能造成沙礫等汙染物進入,此外請勿使用洗車刷刷洗貼膜部位。

4.  洗車後請務必將膜面確實擦乾,不要殘留水漬,水漬不在保固範圍之內。

5.  貼膜部位只需一般洗車即可,禁止使用打蠟、鍍膜或任何非 XPEL 專用清潔養護用品。

6.  貼膜後的車輛請避免作為婚禮禮車之用,如需作此用途,裝飾時請謹記禁止使用強力吸盤吸附膜料表面,有鞭炮煙花染色等現象,請務必於 12 小時內清洗完全,以防滲透染色而影響保固權益。

7.  若遇樹汁、鳥糞、昆蟲屍體等污染物導致膜面髒污,請儘速清洗車輛,以免造成膜面染色即損壞而影響保固權益。

8.  頑強的污漬可以使用 99% 的異丙醇來清潔,並注意不要讓這些化學清潔劑停留在車漆及保護膜上。

9.  遇沙塵暴後,請儘速洗淨膜面,以防保護膜性能受損。

10. 一般輕微刮傷在室溫下約 20-30 分鐘即可自動修復。若在較為寒冷的環境下,可使用約攝氏 50 度的熱水淋在刮傷部位,可以加速修復功能。

11. XPEL 車漆保護膜擁有業界最佳之防護性,惟仍有其極限,超出防護極限仍可能造成損傷。

12. 車漆保護膜的用意及最重要的功能為保護車輛原漆,是避免環境中各種物理或化學損傷風險之絕佳防線,如因自然或人為造成保護膜受損,可隨時拆除更換;為維護保護膜最佳效能及外觀,請定期洗車並按時回經銷商進行保養。

13. 為使車漆保護膜保持最佳狀態,請務必定期回 XPEL 授權經銷商進行標準專業養護。養護週期為每 3 至 6 個月一次,白色或淺色車輛請每 3 個月進行一次,由授權經銷商依據標準流程使用 XPEL 專屬清潔養護產品進行保養,讓保護膜維持最佳效能及美觀效果,並保障您的保固權益。

14. 為您施工安裝保護膜的授權經銷商最為了解您的車況及安裝細節,建議您優先選擇原安裝保護膜的授權經銷商進行清潔保養。

15. 首次回 XPEL 授權經銷商進行深層保養時,經銷商會提供保養車輛的保養紀錄卡,並詳實記錄該次保養資料,日後回店保養均需由經銷商確實紀錄,以利了解您的愛車保養情況並作為保固之依據。

* 日常養護推薦使用 : XPEL 漆面快速清潔劑 (Detail Spray) 當車輛表面只附著輕微污漬時,快速讓車輛恢復亮麗外觀。XPEL 奈米陶瓷養護劑 (Ceramic Boost) 快速簡便的為漆面加上一層高亮度的疏水層,可維持閃亮動人的光采達數週之久。



1.  由於膠層完全黏合需要時間,安裝完畢 48 小時內請勿下降車窗。

2. 施工完畢後,若玻璃與隔熱紙間有水霧、水泡為正常現象,經陽光照射約 1 – 2 週乾燥後自然消失。

3. 如遇隔熱紙邊緣起泡,應於 24 小時內回原施工店家,請勿自行處理。 

4.  施工完畢後 15 天內,請勿啟動除霧電熱絲,亦不可將帶有吸盤的物品 (如行車紀錄器、GPS 等) 吸附在隔熱紙上。

5.  請勿將具有黏性的標籤貼在隔熱紙上,請使用靜電貼紙或靜電標籤。

* 日常養護推薦使用 : XPEL 防靜電隔熱紙清潔劑 (Anti-Static Window Tint Cleaner)  清除窗上指紋及污漬,獨家抗靜電配方可消除隔熱紙或玻璃上的靜電,使表面光滑,不沾附灰塵或棉絮。


To keep your film looking great, follow a few simple guidelines:

Wait 48 hours after installation to wash your car.

Remove insect or other stains as soon as possible with XPEL Film Cleaner.

Stubborn stains can be removed with 99% isopropyl alcohol or lacquer thinner. Take care to keep these chemicals off the vehicle’s paint.

You may use XPEL Flawless Finish Paint Protection Film Sealant to help preserve the finish, although beware if you do not apply in a uniform pattern, it can cause the film to look uneven. It is advised to be professionally applied. Installation instructions here: Sealant Instructions

Light scratches in the film will self-heal in 20-30 minutes at room temperature. In colder conditions, or to accelerate the process, pour warm water (120°F) over the affected area.

Avoid using a pressure washer or high-pressure water source near the edges of the film, it can cause the film to lift and/or become damaged.

PRIMETM Automotive Window Tint Care

PRIMETM Automotive Window Films were designed to keep their flawless appearance and clarity for many years. Follow these tips to properly care for your windows and keep them looking their best:

Keep in mind that your window tint may have a hazy appearance or moisture bubbles for up to ten days after installation. These conditions will disappear once the moisture used to apply your tint dries up completely.

Wait approximately 1-5 days after installation before rolling down or cleaning your windows based on the climate in which it was installed.

Use a microfiber towel slightly dampened with water to clean your windows. If necessary, mild, non-ammonia glass cleaners may also be used.

Avoid the use of abrasive materials such as scouring pads, to clean your tinted windows.

Removing Paint Protection Film

Professional removal of the film is recommended. However, when professional removal is not possible, the film may be removed as follows:

Removal of paint protection film should be done with a steamer. It will keep the film pliable and wet so that it can be “stretched” off the vehicle.

Peel one corner of the film up with your fingernail.

Pull the film towards you at a shallow angle less than 45 degrees (see figure 8a). This angle is important to ensure sure that the adhesive comes off with the film rather than staying on the paint. The film should “stretch” off the car.

If any adhesive is left on the car, use a general adhesive remover to help loosen it.



Using XPEL aftercare products when washing your vehicle will significantly extend the life of FUSION PLUSTM. Our products have been designed to complement our coatings and will help keep your car looking newer for longer.


For best results, wash with XPEL Rinse Free Car Wash on a weekly basis to avoid excessive contamination buildup. Avoid washing in direct sunlight to minimize streaking and water spotting. Wash from the roof downwards, leaving the dirtiest sections last avoiding possible cross contamination.

For best results the car should be washed on a bi-weekly basis to avoid excessive contamination build-up. Use only recommended mild soaps. Avoid high volume brush style car washes, and high PH detergent style cleaners.


Always dry the vehicle completely using a clean, soft, lint free microfiber towel or air blower. Never allow water to evaporate on its own. Tap water can contain minerals which leave deposits on your coating, creating unwanted water spots. For best results use XPEL Microfiber Towels which have been designed to absorb water. Always avoid aggressive wiping.


For best results, follow washing and drying steps above. Follow up with XPEL Detail Spray for any leftover fingerprints or smudges on your paint protection film or paint. You can apply the XPEL Ceramic Boost for added shine and slickness (as needed). Avoid applying XPEL Detail Spray or XPEL Ceramic Boost in direct sunlight to minimize streaking and water spotting

Spot Removal Of Surface Contamination

Never use aggressive products to polish the coating or to removing surface contamination.

Vehicle Inspection Schedule

To uphold the FUSION PLUSTM warranty, you must visit the FUSION PLUSTM certified installer who applied your original coating every 12 months during the duration of warranty – unless you have had a change of address, if this is the case please contact XPEL using our contact form.


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Thank You!


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